
Jesús Manuel Antúnez Domínguez joins the ActiveMatter ITN

Jesús Manuel Antúnez Domínguez started his training at Elvesys as one of the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) of ActiveMatter ITN.

His work focuses on characterizing active matter in micro-chambers.

He will conduct his research under the supervision of Aurélie Vigne at Elvesys, and co-supervised by Dr. Caroline Adiels at the University of Gothenburg.

Ayten Gülce Bayram joins the ActiveMatter ITN

Ayten Gülce Bayram started her PhD program in Mechanical Engineering at Bilkent University as one of the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) of the ActiveMatter ITN.

Her work focuses on simulating disorder-order phase transitions, e.g. crystallization, of active colloidal.

She will conduct her research under the supervision of Prof. Luca Biancofiore.

Audrey Nsamela joins the ActiveMatter ITN

Audrey Nsamela started her training at Elvesys as one of the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) of the ActiveMatter ITN.

Her work focuses on studying biological and biohybrid microswimmers in microfluidics systems.

She will conduct her research under the supervision of Julia Sepulveda at Elvesys, and co-supervised by Dr. Juliane Simmchen at TU-Dresden.

Sandrine Heijnen joins the ActiveMatter ITN

Sandrine Heijnen started her PhD program in Physics at UCL as one of the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) of the ActiveMatter ITN.

Her work focuses on controlling and predicting the collective behaviour of active particles while being influenced by external stimuli.

She will conduct her research under the supervision of Prof. Giorgio Volpe and Prof. Phil Jones.