New ActiveMatter logos: color and BW version. (Image by ActiveMatter ESRs)
Category: Media Attention
Press release on Machine learning can help slow down future pandemics
Here the links to the press releases:
Swedish: Maskininlärning kan bidra till att bromsa framtida pandemier
English: Machine learning can help slow down future pandemics
ActiveMatter website online!
The ActiveMatter ITN website is now online!
It will provide information about the action, its research, training and outreach activities.
Important announcements and updates concerning ActiveMatter will appear here, and on the Twitter account of ActiveMatter.
Stay tuned!
ActiveMatter ITN has started!
The new MCSA-ITN-ETN ActiveMatter has started on September 1, 2019, for a duration of 48 months.
The Network focuses on experimental, computational and theoretical aspects of active matter.
The Network consists of 14 beneficiaries and 9 partners organisations, from 9 different countries of Europe and of the rest of the world.
15 ERS (Early Stage Researcher) positions, each of 36 months, will be financed by the action. Each position will be associated to a PhD program offered by institutions within the network.
All ERS positions will be announced on Euraxess.