The school brought about a new collaboration on a simulation project with Vicsek-like model in complex environment (an example in upper with swimmers in black arrows showing their orientations), e.g. a turbulent flow (heatmap in upper panel), considered microswimmers that try to align to neighbors in a spatially-correlated noise (cartoon in lower). (Image by C-J Chen.)From the 18th to the 29th of October 2021, Chun-Jen and two of his colleagues working on programmable active Janus colloids participated in the The 1st UCA FOX, UCA Fall program on Complex Systems 2021 “Mobility, self-organization and swimming strategies” hosted by Université Côte d’Azur in Nice and Fréjus.
The school was focused on three main topics: Swimming into complex environment – micro-swimming, Collective motion, and Machine learning applied to active particles, and covered a wide range of models regarding chemical and biological microswimmers.
The school was organised in lecture sections and project sessions for participants to collaborate in groups, in which PhD students and post-doctoral researchers could develop a research project in one of the three main topics of the school. Chun-Jen was involved in a simulation project on a Vicsek-like model in complex environment which is still ongoing.
Jesus Manuel Antunez Dominguez during his secondment in the University of Gothenburg. Image by L. Natali.Jesús Manuel Antúnez Domínguez visited the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) from the 27th of October to the 11th of November 2021 during a two weeks secondment.
The University of Gothenburg is the academic collaborator of his industrial PhD project at Elvesys (France). During the secondment, he could meet his academic supervisor Dr. Caroline Beck Adiels and the rest of her group, the Biological Physics Lab, but also, the Soft Matter Lab researchers who work closely with them. The secondment served to become familiar with the facilities available at the University and it was a great opportunity to participate in outreach activities and present the progress of his project to establish new collaborations for the research about Active Matter.
The Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (or MicroTAS) conference took place this year on October 10-14th in a hybrid configuration, both online and in-person in Palm Springs (USA). This conference unite top researchs groups from all over the world and present the most recent advances in MEMS. Audrey attended the conference online from Paris and presented her poster on the development of a sperm sorting platform including chemotaxis guidance.