Institution: Elvesys
Position: PhD Student (enrolled at the PhD program of Dresden University of Technology)
Master Degree: Physics engineering – Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, and Biomedical engineering – Polytechnique Montreal, Canada (double degree)
Summary information:
I come from Belgium. I graduated from my Master in September 2019. I did a double degree in Physics engineering at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve and in Biomedical engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. The first year in Belgium was oriented towards fundamental physics and during the last two years in Canada I worked on a research project in biomedical nanotechnology. My goal was to functionalize gold nanoparticles for in vitro breast cancer diagnosis.
Research interests:
I am interested in studying light-driven nano-, microswimmers in microfluidics systems. As I have a background in biology, I would also be interested to work with biohybrids as well.
Latest News (all news about Audrey Nsamela)
The ActiveMatter project leads to a startup creation: Inside Therapeutics October 9, 2023
A platform for stop flow gradient generation to investigate chemotaxis published in Angewandte Chemie February 13, 2022
- Audrey Nsamela presented a poster at MicroTAS 2021 hybrid conference in Palm Springs October 14, 2021
Audrey Nsamela and Jesús Domínguez both present a poster at MNF conference in Toulouse September 25, 2021
Round Table Discussion on Fluids and Active Matter September 13, 2021
Round Table Discussion on Introduction to Theoretical Active Matter September 7, 2021
The Active Matter network has a new logo ! June 28, 2021
Microfluidics for Microswimmers, a tutorial review published in Small May 5, 2021
Effect of viscosity on microswimmers: a comparative study published in ChemNanoMat April 28, 2021
Rond Table Discussion on: Advanced Control of Active Matter March 31, 2021