Institution: Bilkent University
Position: PhD Student
Master Degree: Chemical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Summary information: I completed my BSc. in Chemical engineering at Hacettepe University (Turkey), and continued with MSc. degree in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). In the scope of MSc. degree, I carried out kinetic studies on the production of syngas from ethanol and formic acid. More specifically, I worked on catalytic partial oxidation and steam reforming processes. Currently I am a PhD student at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Bilkent University, where I joined the Fluid Frame research group.
Research interests:
My project aims to simulate disorder-order phase transitions, e.g. crystallization, of active colloidal. I will model the crystallization dynamics through a Lagrangian method for describing the fluid, i.e. the Multi-Particle Collision (MPC) dynamics. In this model, the fluid is seen as an ensemble of particles of the same scale of the colloids dispersed in the crystallizing suspension. Particularly, MPC is suitable for modelling active colloidal suspensions when the hydrodynamic effects cannot be neglected.
Latest News (all news about Ayten Gülce Bayram)
- Round Table Discussion on Theoretical Models for Active Matter September 17, 2021
- Round Table Discussion on Introduction to Theoretical Active Matter September 7, 2021
- The Active Matter network has a new logo ! June 28, 2021
- Round Table Discussion on: Optics, Spectroscopy, Micro and Nanofabrication, and Nanotribology March 25, 2021
- Round Table Discussion on: Phoretic Propulsion Mechanism March 17, 2021
- Ayten Gülce Bayram presents her PhD project at the ActiveMatter online meeting, 10 September 2020 September 12, 2020
- ActiveMatter PIs+ESRs Online Meeting on 10 September 2020 September 11, 2020
- Ayten Gülce Bayram joins the ActiveMatter ITN March 1, 2020