Institution: University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Position: PhD Student
Master Degree: Nanoscience and Technology, India
Summary information: I am from India currently doing a PhD at Roberto di Leonardo group, University of Rome. I studied M.Sc. in Nanoscience and Bio-mimetic engineering from India and South Korea in 2019. My Master’s Thesis was on ‘Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy on Cesium and Rubidium species for double Magneto-optical trap’. My interest in soft condensed matter and active matter systems piqued during my internship at ESPCI Paris on the topic ‘Evolutionary dynamics in a controlled artificial self-replicating system’.
Research interests:
My research interests include Active matter systems, Artificial biological systems and light-matter interactions. For my PhD Project, I will be working on Light driven Bio-Hybrid Micromachines.
Latest News (all news about Ojus Satish Bagal)
- Round Table Discussion on Theoretical Models for Active Matter September 17, 2021
- Round Table Discussion on Theoretical Aspects of Collective Behaviour September 9, 2021
- The Active Matter network has a new logo ! June 28, 2021
- Round Table Discussion on: Living Active Matter March 19, 2021